26th Nov 2020

Domestic Abuse: The Hidden Pandemic: A Podcast

Domestic Abuse: The Hidden Pandemic: A Podcast


In this episode of the FLiP podcast we discuss the rapid rise of domestic abuse during the Covid-19 lockdowns and what help is available in the family law and criminal law systems to those suffering from domestic abuse.

FLiP Director Helen Greenfield leads the discussion with Sarnjit Lal, Partner and Head of the Specialist Private Department at Tuckers Solicitors. Sarnjit has over 18 years of experience in fraud and major criminal cases covering all stages in criminal law and cross border disputes.

Family Law in Partnership is a specialist family law firm where lawyers take a unique approach to family law. We understand that acknowledging and accepting that you are in an abusive relationship is one of the hardest things anyone can do. Taking the necessary steps to prevent further abuse can be even harder. Our experienced legal team is able to act quickly and, if necessary, can seek an order from the Court to protect you and your children when abuse is taking place.

FLiP will guide you through every turn with expertise and reassurance, always in partnership.

For expert legal advice, contact us today at E: hello@flip.co.uk or T: 020 7420 5000.