23rd May 2022

FLiP Listed in The Working Together Divorce & Separation Directory

FLiP Listed in The Working Together Divorce & Separation Directory

We are delighted that FLiP has been listed in The Working Together Divorce & Separation Directory for London published by Tavistock Relationships.

The directory lists organisations, like Family Law in Partnership, which are committed to enabling separating couples to navigate separation together and without unnecessary conflict.

It is well known that frequent, intense and poorly resolved interparental conflict puts children’s mental health and wellbeing at risk. The purpose of The Working Together Divorce & Separation Directory is to enable separating couples to understand the range of services available to them, including financial, legal, tax and emotional support.

We thank the Tavistock Relationships for having the foresight to draw together this valuable resource to help separating couples looking for support. Take a look at the Directory here: https://tavistockrelationships.org/our-work/policy-campaigns/campaigns/working-together-directory#legalhelpdir

At Family Law in Partnership we pride ourselves in offering a unique approach to family law. We balance our exceptional legal expertise with care and compassion, delivering intelligent and creative solutions while carefully managing any emotional impact.

Please contact any of our top London divorce lawyers for further information: E: hello@flip.co.uk or T: 020 7420 5000

Please contact any of our top London divorce lawyers for further information: E: hello@flip.co.uk or T: 020 7420 5000